Mid-Shore Marble & Granite is delivering seamless installations with the Proliner

Mid-Shore Marble & Granite, Inc. specializes in crafting a variety of stone kitchen and bath countertops, vanities, islands, and fireplace surrounds. Serving customers across Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia on the Delmarva Peninsula, the company handles projects ranging from simple to complex renovations. In addition to their stonework, they oversee plumbing, electrical, flooring, and cabinetry needs, collaborating with some of the region’s finest craftsmen. Contact us today to discuss your next project.

Mid-Shore Marble & Granite has been using the Proliner Stone Interior Package for the past five years as part of their commitment to quality and continuous improvement. Their initial goal was to adopt digital measuring for more precise and high-quality results. Since then, the company has grown and delivered exceptional projects with seamless installations that consistently exceed customer expectations.

Recently, they showcased one of their latest projects: a natural stone bathroom vanity top. Templating this manually would have been a long, tedious, and risky process, making it difficult to achieve the necessary precision. In such cases, the Proliner proves invaluable, reducing the risk of material waste, eliminating the need for additional site visits, and enabling flawless, seamless installations. The Proliner has once again proven its ability to streamline company processes and help them achieve their highest potential!

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