Infinitos was immediately convinced of the Proliner Canvas package
Infinitos, from Sittard, in the Netherlands, is a professional fabricator and supplier of custom-made matrasses, pillows, covers, awnings and teak for boats. They got to know the Proliner at the Metstrade fair in Amsterdam last year and we were immediately convinced of the added value for their company. Willy and Wallace explain their investment in the Proliner Canvas package:
“The Proliner shortens the lead time of our projects, since measuring on-site and the processing of digital templates is much faster than before. Besides, we are now also able to build digital databases for our different product types, so that we can re-use the digital templates saving value time. Finally, the translation from physical moulds / templates — that are measured with the Proliner – to digital templates used for production with our CNC machinery is extremely precise!”