RC Coppin: «The Proliner makes everything simple!»
RC Coppin is a family owned factory located in Essex (UK) with more than 100 years’ experience in the natural stone market. Nowadays their stonemasons work on domestic, architectural and complex restoration projects. Charles G. came over for his first Proliner training accompanied by fourth generation company member Charles C, who already works with the Proliner for three years:
“We tried a laser for two days and hated it! After seeing the Proliner Stone package in action at the Marmomac in 2016, we were convinced it was the best solutions for our company’s needs and we were right.
With the Proliner, everything becomes simple and less complicated. Besides saving time, it also looks much more professional. When a company shows that it is investing in technology, the customer gets much more confident and proud that he is purchasing such a product.”