Multiplasticos uses the Proliner to create digital templates of flooring for automobiles and vans
Luis Marquez of Multiplasticos Inter Nacionales traveled from Naucalpan, Mexico, to pick up their new Proliner CS and undergo training. Multiplasticos will use the Proliner to digitize flooring for automobiles and vans. Realizing that his company needed to modernize their technology, Luis recently purchased new sawing equipment and CNC machinery.
In looking for methods to improve their measuring process, Luis attended an AWFS Fair in Las Vegas. While speaking to various laser measuring companies, he realized their equipment would not meet his needs. One laser company suggested to look at the Proliner measuring device and he was convinced. After contacting us and getting a demonstration, he feels the Proliner will be perfect for his needs because: «Measuring with the Proliner is easier, faster, and more precise.»
After learning how to use the Proliner, he also feels this digital measuring device will be an impressive tool to help Multiplasticos win several large contracts they have been working on. Luis said: «I can’t wait to show it off and see how shocked everyone will be with how easy it is to use.»