Prodim Proliner пользователь Marmorbetrieb

Stone Shop Raimund Dirks is going to expand digital templating with the Proliner

Raimund Dirks Marmorbetrieb is successfully using a Proliner from the Construction Series since 2010. The core business of the family owned company located in Bischofsheim, Germany is the fabrication and instalment of stone products like kitchen countertops, bathroom decorations, stairs and tombstones. After finishing their training Manuela Dirks and Alexander Dirks (brother and sister) from Raimund Dirks explained:

«At the moment the Proliner is used most for digital templating kitchen countertops of our customers. By working with the Proliner we experienced the advantages and profitability of going digital and we want to continue developing our business processes to that direction.

The Proliner has proven its accuracy and we know the Proliner is capable of much more than measuring kitchen countertops and therefore we decided to go on a «refresher» course to be able to take full advantage of all the functionalities and the flexibility of the Proliner. Now that we have completed our training we are going to use the Proliner for digital templating our other stone products as well.»


Marmorbetrieb Raimund Dirks website